Monday, December 27, 2010

My Creative list for 2011

In 2011 I would like to accomplish the following creative projects :-

  1. Start and maintain a veggie patch
  2. Make Birthday cards
  3. Make Valentine's day Cards
  4. Make Easter Cards
  5. Make Christmas Cards
  6. Finish Miss S's pregnancy scrapbook album
  7. Start on Cheeky Monkeys baby scrap book album
  8. Create a scrapbook album for our newest grandchild due in late March/ early April 2011
  9. Organise our children's scrapbook albums
  10. Sew baby blankets for the new grandchild
  11. Knit a couple of baby blankets
  12. Try my hand at making nappy cakes
  13. Make more homemade soaps
  14. Make a range of Soy candles and Bath products in the same fragrances and market them.
  15. Finish the canvas art I started in 2010
That's 35 things I wish for 2011 so far :)

Monique xo

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

From 1 to 20 in purchases

My 1st List is items I wish to purchase in 2011 so here goes.

  1. A new car.
  2. A new Bread maker.
  3. Portable Dishwasher.
  4. Digital set top box.
  5. New Dinning setting.
  6. New lounge suite.
  7. Digital camera.
  8. Upright vacuum cleaner - Dyson is my preferable choice.
  9. Purchase 2 Bug Zappers for our home.
  10. Purchase a BBQ with hood, wok burner and spit attachments.
  11. Purchase Solar lights for the back yard.
  12. Purchase Christmas Solar Lights.
  13. Purchase a Dryer.
  14. Purchase a Freezer.
  15. Purchase a Laptop.
  16. Purchase a new washing machine.
  17. Purchase new crockery.
  18. Purchase a slow cooker.
  19. Purchase new cutlery. 
  20. Purchase some good pots and pans.
Now this might sound like a lot of new purchases for our home and yeah it is when in list form but most of the items are over 16 years old so I think its fair to get an upgrade on them Don't you? LOL

Monique xo

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Hi there and Welcome

Hi there welcome to my new blog.
I am going to be making lots of lists over the next few days of all the things I would like to do or have accomplished in 2011. I don't think I will be able to list 1011 things in 1 post so I will do them over the next few days.
You may also wish to follow my other Blogs(yep I have more then 1 ) Live, Love, Hope, Joy! and Made with Love

Monique xo
